Software Download


PowerCoach Software

     The standard application and database system.

       Cross-platform for Mac OS and Windows

       Runs natively on all Macs (PPC/INTEL)

       Platform independent database
    PowerCoach 1  (install package)
    . application+database+tools

    Infos about installing
for Mac OS X
10.4.11 or later

Infos | d | e | f |
for Windows
XP / Vista / 7 / 8

Infos | d | e | f |
    PowerCoach 1  (update package)
    . application

   Infos about updating
for Mac OS X
10.4.11 or later

Infos | d | e | f |
for Windows
XP / Vista / 7 / 8

Infos | d | e | f |

    If you are looking for past versions of PowerCoach software that run on Mac OS 8/9,
    Mac OS X 10.3 or Windows 95/98/ME/NT, please check the archive.

    A new license CODE is generated after updating the application. To get your LICENSE,
    simply click the license CODE field. Your email program will automatically compile the
    request message. Tech Tip 20070312...

PowerCoach and the PowerCoach logo are registered trademarks of PowerCoach Software.
Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S and other countries.
Windows and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

USB-SERIAL adapter drivers

Mac OS Windows
  SRM USB cable for Powercontrol V  
  . Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7  
  . Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5 (PPC+INTEL)
  . Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7 (INTEL)
  SRM USB cable for Powercontrol VI / 7
  . Mac OS X 10.1 and above for (PPC) and (INTEL)




  PowerTap USB cradle
  . Windows
  . Mac OS X 10.1 and above for (PPC) and (INTEL)

  . Mac OS X (PPC+INTEL) + Windows

Device System Software

Mac OS Windows
   SRM Training System d | e | it | d | e | it |
   PowerAgent e | e |
   Polar Precision Performance d | e | f |

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Do you have questions ?

It is our pleasure to serve you. Please email or call.

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• Diese kostenlose Software entpackt die komprimierten Dateien.

• Ce logiciel gratuit décompresse les fichiers comprimés.

• This free software expands the compressed files.